Those of us who watch the drug development pipeline have been pining for a nonaddictive anti-anxiety drug.  Occasionally there are glimmers of hope.  One candidate is href="">emapunil, aka XBD-173 or AC-5216.  In 2004, there was an article in the British Journal of Pharmacology about this.  That article described promising findings, in rats and mice.  Now, there is an article in Science that finally show some findings in humans. href="">Antianxiety and antidepressant-like effects of AC-5216, a…
...for canceling the showing of a creationist film, Darwin's Dilemma: The Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil Record.  The background is on Greg Laden's Blog, href="">Los Angeles Venue Cancels Intelligent Design Film: You'll recall that it was recently reported that the California Science Center, which is loosely affiliated with the Smithsonian Institution, had planned a screening of "Darwin's Dilemma: The Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil Record" which is apparently a creationist documentary. Well, now, the venue has…
Today is the birthday of Linus Torvalds. That is all.
Thanks to a tip from a reader, for this one.  A photographer named href="">Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944) made glass negatives in the early 1900's that could be used to create color images.  He did this by inventing a camera that would take three different frames of the same scene, with different color filters (red, green blue) for each.  He displayed the pictures via projection, using the same filters.  Even though the negatives were only grayscale images, the result was comparable to that obtained using a color slide…
Visiting with Kevin, went hiking in Soledad Canyon.  The light was crazy, alterating between awful for photography, and interesting, but always challenging.  When it stopped snowing and the wind wasn't blowing me around, I was able to get some decent pictures. style="display: inline;">
Nicely illustrated in this photo: Thanks to Jim R., who doesn't have a blog to link.
From Shorpy (Always Something Wonderful), this is a photo of the href="">Christmas tree at the home of Wilbur and Orville Wright, in the year 1900. style="display: inline;">
One of the more enlightening and worrisome articles I read recently was href="">The Perils of Efficiency, by James Surowiecki.  The article was a discussion of the practical effects of the mathematical concept, that you can only optimize one variable in an complex system.  So if you optimize for lowest cost per unit of production, you have to sacrifice something else.  One of the things you sacrifice, is resilience.  Most managers of systems with a supply chain have adopted what is called just-in-time supply. …
Today is the 90th anniversary of the first Felix the Cat cartoon. href="">1919-Felix The Cat - Feline Follies Uploaded by iToons. - Watch more comedy videos and sitcoms. Needless to say, it changed a lot over the years.  In the 1960's, it was my favorite.
I couldn't resist that title, but I must admit it isn't mine; the author's post is href="">here.  This is about the NYT article about the finding that children on Medicaid are more likely to be prescribed antipsychotic medication, compared to those with private insurance.  The obvious correlation is that children with Medicaid are from poor families, whereas those with private insurance are from families that have more resources.  It is one of those studies that documents an evocative finding…
This is a tip for selecting the fastest DNS server.   href="">OpenDNS already has fans at ScienceBlogs ( href="">1 href="">2).  I've been using it for years.  But now that href="">Google has their own free/open DNS service, the question arises: which is better?  Or is there a different one that is better?  OpenDNS is free for anyone to use, but they also offer paid…
This is a href="">high-resolution photo of Pearl Harbor (click to enlarge). When I saw that it had been posted to the NASA Earth Observatory, I wondered -- momentarily -- why they would post a photo of Pearl Harbor. Then I remembered: December 7th. style="display: inline;"> My father was 14 on 7 December 1941. He studied in high school, got good grades, and enlisted when he turned 18. Didn't think about it. There was nothing to think.  Every able-bodied young man did it, unless there was a compelling reason to do otherwise. He…
I wrote about this before, a couple of times, most thoroughly href="">here.  I was reminded of this topic when I saw that the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) have updated their href="">Report Card on America's Infrastructure.  In 2008, I compared the positions of the two Presidential candidates, regarding advocacy for infrastructure improvements.  Obama was better.  So I was somewhat hopeful that we would see some pretty big changes, after he won the…
Sharon Astyk will be joining Scienceblogs soon.  Everyone is encourage to href="">read the post about her upcoming transition.  I would especially encourage my sciblings/colleagues here to read what her commenters have to say about us.  Really.  This is what the world thinks of us.
This post is about a journal article that describes mortality rates in populations of persons with eating disorders.  It is sort of about that.  The article is in the APA green journal, which is not openly accessible.  Only the abstract is free.  Usually I don't write about closed-access articles.  But this is different, because I am not going to do a traditional post about a peer-reviewed article.  You don't need to have access to the whole article to get the point. href="">Increased Mortality in Bulimia Nervosa and Other…
While we have a cold, dreary rain here: a photo of brighter, hotter times: style="display: inline;"> This is from September 2007.  It is a desert spiny lizard ( href="">Sceloporus magister) on a desert willow ( href="">Chilopsis linearis) with some desert marigolds ( href="">Baileya multiradiata) in the background.  The local weather station report indicates that it was 84.2 degrees Fahrenheit (29 degrees C) when the photo was taken.
Environmental regulations have greatly reduced the amount of sulfur in gasoline.  This has created many benefits.  But did you ever wonder what happens to all that sulfur?  Perhaps not, if it was never clear to you why you should care. The reason you should care is this:  Sulfur is present in coal and in most liquid fuels.  When it is burned, it oxidized, much as the carbon is oxidized.  Carbon becomes carbon dioxide; sulfur becomes sulfur dioxide.  When sulfur dioxide enters the atmosphere, it becomes a strong acid: sulfuric acid, which is battery acid.  This is one factor that contributes…
The USA still leads the world int he number of scientific papers published per year.  Germany and Japan were essentially tied for second, for years.  According to a recent report by Thomspon-Reuters ISI, there is a new player at the table: class="mt-enclosure mt-enclosure-image" style="display: inline;"> The report is href="">available at Thomson Reuters, free registration required.  Note that this says nothing about quality; it is all about quantity.  (HT: href="">…
Is there some kind of especially violent undercurrent right now, in the right-wing river of hate? Ed Brayton just href="">posted about a billboard put up by the GOP, specifically the href="">Lafayette County (Missouri) Republicans: style="display: inline;"> src="" class="mt-image-none" style="" height="300" width="400"> The sign href="http://…
Reasonable persons still wonder why some others insist that permitting gay marriage will threaten heterosexual marriage.  Now we find out: it happens as an unintended consequence.  Take Texas (please): href="">Texas' gay marriage ban may have banned all marriages By Dave Montgomery Fort Worth Star-Telegram Posted on Wednesday, 11.18.09 AUSTIN -- Texans: Are you really married? Maybe not. Barbara Ann Radnofsky, a Houston lawyer and Democratic candidate for attorney general, says that a 22-word clause in a 2005…