Skinny Pictures

Looks like even the camera - that tool of verisimilitude - is leaving the reality based community. HP just introduced a digitical camera capable of "slimming photos". After all, who needs to diet when you can just admire pictures of your skinny self? The company says that the technology can take off 10 pounds. Look at the promotional website to see for yourself.


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Not a new capability. You've been able to do that with post-processing of digital photos (with Photoshop, etc.) for some time, with instructions available in a variety of books and websites. All that HP is doing is adding an option to do that processing in the camera.

It's just a capability that HP has added to the computer processing that takes place in the camera before the photo is printed or exported.

The only thing newsworthy (I guess) is that the capability will be avalable to lots of folks who have no interest in doing anything to their photos after they leave the camera.

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 20 Sep 2006 #permalink