After the rapture, when the aliens start to colonize our desolate planet, they will be endlessly fascinated by documents like this. Yes, I'm talking about the world's longest diary, composed by Robert Shields of Dayton, Washington, which clocks in at a Talmudic 35 million words. The entries are so banal, they are almost interesting. Almost.
3:30-3:45 I was at the keyboard of the IBM Wheelwriter making entries for the diary.
6:50-7:30 I ate the Stouffer's macaroni and cheese.
7:30-7:35 We changed the light over the back stoop since the bulb had burnt out.
And if these aliens wanted to know exactly what sort of stuff humans were capable of, they should read this, followed by this. We are a strange species.
[Hat Tip: Kottke]
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Wow, it's even a meta-diary.
Sounds like the Pretty Good Jim's Journal
(by Onion co-founder Scott Dikkers)
A friend gave me a copy of that for a birthday a few years back and I'll never be able to thank him enough.
Is that a copycat of this?
I have been to Dayton many times, and I tell you, there is nothing else to do there. They got so bored, they made a patio-paver replica of the Jolly Green Giant on a hillside above the town. And you expect this guy's diary to transcend "banal"?