Now Surviving Elsewhere

Like Sauron creeping into Dol Guldur, Quantum Diaries has returned to darken the blogosphere once more, driving Tommaso Dorigo before it--

Oh, wait. More good science blogs is a good thing, not a creeping menace. Even if they are particle physicists.

Anyway, in a move that is unrelated to the return of Quantum Diaries, and, in fact, happened two weeks ago, Tommaso Dorigo, a survivor of the original Quantum Diaries, has closed up shop and moved to Had I known he was thinking of moving, I would've pushed the Corporate Masters to invite him to ScienceBlogs so we could have somebody in-house who actually knows stuff about particle physics, unlike me.

Oh, well. Nothing to be done about it now, but to re-aim your RSS readers. He's posted some good stuff in the last couple of weeks.

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Hello Chad,

honored by your kind words, and grateful for the links. I fell prey of Hank Campbell, CEO of Scientific Blogging. I liked his web site and I was in fact thinking that to grow I had to change, so his offer made sense to me.
