Radio Lab

It's the best show on the radio* and it's all about science. If you're not listening to Radio Lab, then you're missing something quite special. The new season has just begun with a fantastic episode on "Choice," and I'm not saying it's fantastic just because it occasionally features my stammering voice. If you're curious what working memory has to do with chocolate cake, or why Oliver Sacks ate lamb kidneys for breakfast, or why you should never hand a stranger iced coffee, then you'll enjoy the show.

*Ok, maybe it's tied for first.

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I've always taken Krulwich's distastes as sort of devils advocate / tongue in cheek.

but these two shows are great, yes. i love them both.

I actually got into the show because of the first one i heard: Memory and Forgetting, which turned me onto Proust, which turned me onto this blog.

By james betz (not verified) on 01 Dec 2008 #permalink

While both of these shows are great, please try to keep in mind the lesser known, 'hearing voices' and older 'the goon show' broadcasts.

I've never heard radio lab before (I'm not a New Yorker and not played on my local npr). It's fantastic. Thanks.

By Sean McCaughan (not verified) on 14 Dec 2008 #permalink

He went through a four-month battle to get onto the site before, sending Facebook it his passport, driver's license, bar number and other forms of identification to prove he is who he says he is. He had to send Facebook a threatening letter before it let him on. And things were fine for two years, until he was suddenly barred again on Monday.