What We "Googled" in 2010

This is a powerful portrayal of how we have used Google to access information, summarized for 2010 in less than three minutes. I simply had to share this with ScienceBlogs readers, with acknowledgement from Mashable.

From the Mashable article:

"In terms of news searches, Haiti proved the most popular, followed by Turkish sports club Besiktas, Chile, "earthquake," Lady Gaga and the iPhone 4. The Gulf of Mexico oil spill ranked 10th."

Funny - that covers several topics that captured my attention! Our imaginations have become engaged in a digital world changing at an incredible rate - I can't wait to see what's next. I predict that the Google search algorithm, and those like it, will be viewed in 2020 as only the beginning of how we connect vast networks of information that hopefully will enhance our understanding and knowledge of our world.

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