Universities in the Cloud

Thanks to Muhammad Saleem on OnlineColleges.net for sharing this compelling graphic.

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[UPDATE: readers should be aware of a correction on the source site. The best estimate of CO2 is in fact 150,000 tons per day, not 7400, with a possible maximum of 300,000 tons per day. So the graphic is much less compelling, but the story of Joe vs the Volcano is not affected.] Even if I can't…
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I just received a very cool graphic from my friend and former student who is currently living under the ice at the South Pole. She is very excited about the implications of this graphic. To read this, imagine yourself on a certain date (x axis). Now, follow a line down from top to bottom and see…

I do not even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great. I do not know who you are but certainly you are going to a famous blogger if you aren’t already IMG class=wp-smiley alt=; mytechnwp-includesimagessmiliesicon_wink" Cheers!

By mother dresses (not verified) on 15 May 2013 #permalink