Archive: Architeuthis is 3 Degrees from Kevin Bacon


How separated is Architeuthis and Kevin Bacon you ask?
As you might remember although the Giant Squid had some cameos in previous B movies, it really was not until 1954 in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea that Mr. G. Squid hit the big time. In this movie, the Giant Squid shared the screen with Kirk Douglas who played Ned Land.


Kirk Douglas was in Tough Guys (1986) with Eli Wallach


Eli Wallach was in Mystic River (2003) with Kevin Bacon


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So all day long after the previous post I wondered, how separated is Architeuthis and Kevin Bacon? As you might remember although the Giant Squid had some cameos in previous B movies, it really was not until 1954 in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea that Mr. G. Squid hit the big time. In this movie, the…
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I think I can do almost as well without cheating and using a special effects squid:

The giant squid appeared in todays video with Dr Kubodera.
The good doctor appeared in a discovery channel special with Dr Steve O'Shea.
Steve appeared on WildBoyz on MTV as a straight man for squid penis jokes.
From there it ought to be easy... some MTV video awards or something must have had WildBoyz and Kevin Bacon, right?

Unfortunately, you, Monty, have broken the rules of the Kevin Bacon Game. See this link for a formal treatise: Non-film media is not allowed. Otherwise a cheeky individual could simply put together a collage and claim victory. I'd have to give the point to Craig since he is invoking an entire genus as starring in a film and no mention is made of stunt doubles in the rules.