Friday Deep-Sea Picture (05/18/07) Challenger Report Illustrations

These beautiful illustrations are from the Challenger Reports available online. The first is of the very large, deep water, pycnogonid sea spider, Colossendeis gigas. The second (below the fold) contains Octopus levis and Octopus bermudensis both new species described on the expedition. The last contains at center a gastropod from the genus Xenophora that glues other shells onto its own shell as it is produced. Around the edge are various species from the genus Natica.



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TAMPA, Florida (AP) -- Deep-sea explorers said Friday they have mined what could be the richest shipwreck treasure in history, bringing home 17 tons of colonial-era silver and gold coins from an undisclosed site in the Atlantic Ocean. Estimated value: $500 million.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 18 May 2007 #permalink

im a young girl who wants to become a marine biologist when i grow up,i love the ocean.i want to visit it so bad!!but my mom wont let me go to odyssey expadition summer camp but she want let me go!!!

im a young girl who wants to become a marine biologist when i grow up,i love the ocean.i want to visit it so bad!!but my mom wont let me go to odyssey expadition summer camp but she want let me go!!!