Me On TV...Kind Of

Christina Kellogg invited me to give a seminar at the joint USGS/University of Southern Florida College of Marine Science. Overall I think the talk went well, but you can be the judge. You can view the whole talk about seamounts here in all of its glory (warning the file size is very large). Viewing it reminded me of Robert de Niro's statement "I don't like to watch my own movies - I fall asleep in my own movies." When I worked at my college radio station, which I enjoyed thoroughly, I never listened to the broadcast later. The radio gig always left me puzzled by how I sounded and viewing the talk is that combined with me asking "I look like that?"

You can be the judge of whether its better than this.

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." When I worked at my college radio station, which I enjoyed thoroughly, I never listened to the broadcast later. The radio gig always left me puzzled by how I sounded and viewing the talk is that combined with me asking "I look like that?"

It's nice you have some media background. I have a couple of years in PR work, radio and TV interviews and I think we need more scientists not only going public with colleagues, but with the public. I have a new program called, We can make you a famous scientist, and from what I have heard, there is a big demand from the public wanting to know more about science ASAP!
Keep up the great work!
Dave Briggs :~)

It's nice you have some media background. I have a couple of years in PR work, radio and TV interviews and I think we need more scientists not only going public with colleagues, but with the public.

I have a new program called, We can make you a famous scientist, and from what I have heard, there is a big demand from the public wanting to know more about science ASAP!
Keep up the great work!