Human Powered Sub!

i-0b10fb121ae6cbc67964954bb10c26ef-HPSub.jpgMy birthday is coming up in a couple months (Aries baby!) and I just want to let Peter and Craig know what I want for my birthday. I'm not an unrealistic man. I won't go for say, the Proteus or anything. But I sure wouldn't mind one of the Human-Propelled Submarines being built by the mechanical engineering students at the University of Washington. Its like the ultimate underwater bike! Its perfect for all the river and coastal commuters out there.

To propel the submarine, one person pedals, like on a bicycle. The other person navigates with the controls in the front, and the two sit back-to-back.

The submarine is flooded, which might seem a bit counterintuitive, but the two people inside are in dive gear. Kim said that you just move the water inside along with the people and submarine.

OK, so you need two people. Maybe it isn't practical for everyday use, but its pretty cool!

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That'd look way cooler on a trailer than your average bass boat!

You know, I hadn't thought of that. I would totally just drive around with it all the time to show off.