Friday Deep-Sea Picture: Elevators to the Deep

Sometimes the sub just can't carry enough or you want to get more work done than you really have time to. Thats why some brilliant deep-sea scientist invented the elevator!



The yellow balls at the top are for floatation, which keeps the elevator neutrally bouyant. You can put all sorts of things on the basket of the elevator, including thermal insulated boxes for keeping animals cold on the ride up.

How does the elevator work? Well, we put weights on the bottom and hoist it overboard with a transponder. It sinks, hopefully close to where we want it to end up. When we arrive in the sub to do our work, we use the signal from the transponder to navigate our way to the elevator. Once we find it, we pick it up in the mechanical arm of the sub and move it to where we want it. When we have it loaded up (or unloaded if we need to bring down heavy equiptment), we snip off the weights and watch it float back up to the surface. Once it reaches surface the ship's crew up on the deck usually spot it first and reel it in. Clever huh!

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