Some days are really good and today is one of them. Rick at MBSL&S informs us today that PLANKTOS is no longer.
Ah Planktos, we hardly knew ye. Last week, the board of directors for San Francisco-based Planktos, a company selling carbon credits through the dumping of iron filings into the ocean, indefinitely postponed activities. Which is press release-speak for it folded.Their website is down, and one can only assume the Planktos team is selling their Aeron Chairs on eBay. But man, if the arrogant bastards at Planktos didn't get off one last salvo at the scientific community that didn't buy their bullshit:
"A highly effective disinformation campaign waged by anti-offset crusaders has provoked widespread opposition to plankton restoration in the environmental world, and has caused the company to encounter serious difficulty in raising the capital needed to fund its planned series of ocean research trials."
I just have one thing to say...bwahahahahahaaha. Actually I have two things to say. I'd like to think that some of the public opposition was generated by DSN posts (picked up by other bloggers and some new agencies) but that would greatly exaggerate our importance and ignore others like Rick who also questioned these strategies. However, this proves the power of speaking out and the internet to sway support or in this case opposition to those things ultimately untested, unfounded, and potentially detrimental to the world's oceans.
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