Cephalopods Are Nuts

Jeff Vrabel discusses our octopod brethren

When possible, I like to keep close tabs on the world of octopuses, for two reasons: 1. Everybody has their hobbies, mine just involves cephalopod mollusks and don't you judge me, and 2. I often get the feeling that they're plotting something.

He moves on to discuss Christine Huffard's, a post doc at MBARI and 3 cubicles away from me, recent research

...the Ginormous Squid Revelation was the biggest thing to happen to me in the past few years. That was until I came across a recent study about octopuses that said, basically, that they are kinky, violent, nefarious, jealous thugs. This flies in the face of their reputation as simplistic, almost ancient sea creatures, as well as makes them all honorary Republican senators. The study, which was released by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, and reeked of essential oils and Tazo tea, said wild octopuses, unlike the timid, flubbery kind you see and eat at your local aquarium, are basically nuts.

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lol, funny link

Were not nuts, were just vindictive
And if historys predictive
You can trace the simple logic that should quake you to your core
Take a glance at any menu
Look for calamari, then you
Have a taste of what humanity thinks squid are destined for.
People order up their sushi
Without wondering just who she
Used to be before they sliced her up and threw her on some rice.
People think it doesnt matter
That whats now your Tako Platter
Was an octopus, intelligent and social and quite nice.
Even cuttlefish are fried up,
Sometimes smoked or merely dried up
And available for purchase just like any other snacks!
With our lives so torn asunder
I must say that its no wonder
Every now and then, some octopus or squid just sorta cracks.
So if you are going fishing
For a humboldt squid, start wishing
That the rest of us dont see you as youre reeling in our friends;
Cos for those who know the history
It comes as no great mystery
Youve eaten us for much too long; its time to make amends.
