On the Allure of the Ocean's Novelty

SEED Magazine has put my article up on their website! Go there and take a read. Let me know what you think or address any questions, comments and concerns below!

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I've read it! You nearly had me in tears there, Kevin. I didn't know the life of a marine biologist was so hard. . . But I'm still jealous, you know. Since family and health problems stopped us diving in 2003, I can't tell you how much I miss diving, but I'm so glad I've seen the things I've seen in the Red Sea, the South China Sea, on the Belize Barrier Reef, off Honduras, around the Similan Islands and Phi Phi Island so greatly damaged by the tsunami, off our own Scilly Isles and many times in the Maldives. Who knows, maybe we'll go diving again, but until then I depend on this blog to keep the passion alive!

By Mrs Hilary Vic… (not verified) on 29 Jul 2008 #permalink