I used to believe Kleck's estimate

I used to believe that Kleck's estimate of DGU's was correct, but
overwhelming evidence to the contrary has convinced me otherwise.

Sam A. Kersh writes:

To the best of my knowledge, you have never accepted Kleck's DGU
estimates. At least not in the last 5 years that you and I (and Pim)
have debated guns, crime and 'Point Blank.'

Here's what I wrote about it back in 1991:

A most interesting paper! Like any good scientific paper it raises a lot of
questions. The estimate of 1M defensive uses arises from about 50 (4% of
1228) yes respondants. Don't you just want to have a follow-up survey to
find out the circumstances of those 50 defensive uses? Alas, the original
data no longer exists. I hope someone funds a larger better survey along
similar lines.


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