Otis Dudley Duncan makes an important point: whether or not Lott actually did some sort of survey, Lott is guilty of scientific misconduct. Duncan has uncovered the case of a Dr Duan, who was suspended for two years for publishing a study for which the supporting data had been lost.
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Otis Dudley Duncan and Tim Lambert
The discussions on so many blogs on the Lott case have been invaluable not only in turning up new evidence but also in illustrating the wide variety of reactions to the evidence. One thing that strikes a professional researcher is that many who have commented do…
Otis Dudley Duncan has sent me these comments, which draw attention to a key point that almost all bloggers have missed:
"There are two distinct issues in this case.
Lott repeatedly made erroneous statements about the findings of other researchers. None of the national surveys that he cited…
Last December I examined a posting by John Ray who dismissed ozone depletion as a "Greenie scare" using facts he seemed to have just made up by himself. Now he's back, attacking gun control. This time he's not using facts that he made up---he's using facts that Lott made up. He quotes…
[Note: This is a copy of a document found at this link on John Lott's website on April 25, 2005. I have added critical commentary, written in italics like this. Tim Lambert ]
1) Did I Attribute the 98 Percent Brandishing Number to Others? No
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