A gun control group has set up a "fan" site for Mary Rosh.
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The Washington Times has a story about a Lott related Internet impersonation, but it's not about Mary Rosh. The Washington Times considers the Lott parody site askjohnlott.org to be a more important story than Mary Rosh. That site contains answers like this:
Q: I want to get…
The Washington Post has a story about Mary Rosh. Lott now claims that this review of More Guns, Less Crime was written by his 13 year-old son with some help from his wife.
"They told me they had done it. They showed it to me. I wasn't going to tell them not to do it. Should I have?"
One of Mary…
Donald Kennedy, Editor-in-Chief of Science has an editorial (subscription required) in the April 18 edition entitled "Research Fraud and Public Policy". Here is some of it:
Michael Bellesiles, of Emory University, supported the gun control case with a book called Arming America. Part of his…
There is now a disclaimer at the bottom of every page at askjohnlott.org:
This site is not run by John Lott, he has no affiliation with it. It is run by Mary Rosh. John Lott used Mary Rosh to support his books in internet forums, and put false claims in her mouth. Now Mary Rosh has created this…