Lott's "corrected corrected" Table 3a from "Confirming More Guns, Less Crime"

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"Editor's note: This table was included in a PDF document ConfirmingFigures&Tables1to5.pdf that was downloaded from johnlott.org on Sep 3 2003. The modification date on the file was set to Jan 18 2004. The document properties as reported by Acrobat Reader say that it was created on Sep 2 2003."

So what? That only tells us when it was last modified. It doesn't tell us what the modification was. It could have been a format change, it MAY have been a formula change. But we just don't know. Of course, we could just ask Dr. Lott what he changed, assuming he'll remember such a small detail.

Actually, I have another question, you said it was "downloaded on Sept. 3, 2003, yet it was dated Jan. 18, 2004? What's wrong with this picture???