John Quiggin points to an interesting compilation of fake Internet identities.
Tbogg is surprised that there are still media organizations that take Lott seriously. He also wonders where Lott got his numbers from. Well, the defensive gun use numbers come from this survey Lott says he did, while the statistic about public school shootings was manufactured by selective quoting from news stories.
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In Lott's latest piece he is once more complaining that the media doesn't report defensive gun use. Mark Wilson intervened to try to stop a shooting rampage in Texas. Unfortunately, the shooter was wearing body armour and Wilson was shot and killed. The police eventually killed the shooter (…
Lott has posted a transcript of the AEI event to publicize The Bias Against Guns. I'll try to correct some of the false statements in the transcript:
In 2001, according to government survey evidence, there were about 450,000 crimes that were committed with guns. Of those, there were…
Tim Lambert's questions:
Why did Lott repeatedly make false claims that the 98% figure came from other studies and from Kleck?
Even Lott cannot possibly be sure that the correct result of his survey was 98% since there is no way to check his calculations. Why did he repeat the figure…
Otis Dudley Duncan
This discussion is concerned with four topics: (1) Lott’s references to, remarks about, and discussions of DGU statistics originating in sample surveys or polls carried out by other investigators; (2) Lott’s claims about a survey he says he conducted in 1997; (3) Lott’s reports…