I've been nominated for another blog award. This one is for Best NSW Blog. I don't you should take such awards too seriously, but they do provide a way to find interesting blogs to read, so check them out.
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I realize that I said I would take New Years Day off, but I saw this and felt a brief post was in order.
I also realize that some will never believe that it's not false modesty when I express amazement that so many people show up here day in and day out to read my written meanderings. It's also not…
Unbelievably, it looks as though I've been nominated yet again for another blogging award. Really, folks, this is too much. How on earth am I going to live up to this level of accolades in 2009?
Not that that would stop me from pointing out that I'm in the running for the Best Health Policies/…
The Research Blogging Editor's Selectionies are out! Hosted by Krystal D'Costa, this award is roughly similar to the Academy Awards, but for blog posts about peer reviewed research. And I won one!!!
My post "A word or two about tobacco, and some neat and new research." It was said of this post "…
Cheryl Morgan has a post urging people to nominate for the Hugo Awards. While I don't place the same priority she does on the gender distribution of who gets nominated, I applaud her for doing this now, while there's a chance to influence the actual ballot, rather than waiting until April to…
Did you nominate yourself, Tim?
Just kidding ;-)