Lancet update

Sadly, it looks as if Michael Fumento has retired from the field. All I can offer any folks suffering withdrawal symptoms is this thread. James M describes it like this:

I noticed a truly spectacular example of what I suppose is the unarmed kamikaze approach to debate carrying on in the comments boxes. Not so much being savaged by a dead sheep, as seeing someone punch themselves repeatedly in the face. It is painful to watch.

But yet, like a car wreck, you must look.


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I'm sure Fumento has turned his statistical mind toward skewering the analysis found in

"The Effect of Electronic Voting Machines on Change in Support for Bush in the 2004 Florida Elections"
which concluded: "Irregularities associated with electronic voting machines may
have awarded 130,000 excess votes or more to President George W.
Bush in Florida," and, "We can be 99.9% sure that these effects are not attributable to

Expect Fumento to concentrate his attack on the fact that the study was done at UC-Berkeley.

By Brian Ritzel (not verified) on 19 Nov 2004 #permalink