On Glenn Reynolds

What Max Sawicky says.

Update: Reynold's response? He doesn't link or rebut or even give his readers a clue that he is responding to a particular post, no he just likens Sawicky to a monkey. Real mature.

Update 2: John Holbo has a longer response.


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How about what Max Sawicky's commenters say in response? They, of course, are the not-so-restrained left, you know.

At least Glenn correctly identifies what he produces: right-wing porn. :)

By Carleton Wu (not verified) on 30 Jan 2005 #permalink

When you follow the link at Max's post back to the Instapundit post I thought that Glenn was being quite polite and diplomatic in his comments.

By Shaun Bourke (not verified) on 31 Jan 2005 #permalink

Actually he doesn't liken his opponents to monkeys - unlike the left who do not decry the title 'chimpy' for the current POTUS. He makes a perfectly clear implication that Reynolds himself is the dominant ape , wrt his critics.

Chrisper, he makes a perfectly clear implication that Max and Oliver are behaving like lower ranked monkeys towards a higher ranked one. He is not saying that he is acting like a monkey, but that they are.
Plus, monkeys are not apes.
Pedantically yours,Tim


About as petty as you accuse Instapundit of being, Tim. Pedantically unworthy of the high opinion I hold of your rationality ;-)


What's interesting to me about Reynolds (interesting as in "I can't stop staring at that lump on your neck") is the perverse mix of colossal hubris and knee-jerk humility.

We're supposed to be in awe of his brilliant insight and Blogfather status, but at the same time shouldn't criticize what he says because he claims to be just some guy on the Internet "handing out free ice cream."

It's reminds me of a two-year-old, who thinks he's the center of the universe, yet when he smashes a dish on the floor he's just a wee wittle boy who doesn't know any better.

Just a comment from a right-of-center type guy..

Rush and Savage are political beasts mirrored by a number of folks on the left. Both sides spew rhetoric and participate in namecalling. I for one, while well on the right side of the spectrum, think that anyone.. left or right... that spends their time filling their heads with the junk these type of folks say are just taking themselves out of a reasoned debate. As soon as you are 100% sure you are right, you are wrong. Just remember that not everyone that disagrees with you is a bigotted warmonger or bubble-headed wimp.