In my previous post I noted that Tim Blair had posted:
Can I ask all regulars to stop commenting here. This is exactly what he wants and you're only encouraging him.
In my comments someone also claiming to be Tim Blair posted:
You complete idiot. That comment wasn't posted by me. I suggest you ban the impersonator responsible.
Oh no! It's like one of those movies where there is a real person and a fake person and you have a gun and you hafta shoot the fake one. How can you tell which one is the real Tim Blair? What to do, who to ban. Is there some characteristic that distinguishes those two comments? Got it! One Blair is abusive and the other one isn't. I banned the non-abusive "Blair".
Update: Glenn Reynolds suggests a way to tell the real Tim Blair from an imposter:
The one with the drink in his hand, is the way to bet.
He also has this:
Andy Freeman emails: "What is Lambert doing defending himself with a gun?"
Hmmm, Andy Freeman. Me with a gun.
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Man, that was funny!
Someone once impersonated me on the MediaWatch guestbook and in Tim Blair's blog (both a fair while ago)
Just the fake one?
I think it's long been established that you shoot the one with the goatee.
Ah, but on the internet, nobody knows you're wearing a goatee.
I certainly agree with Tim when he says that it would be a hell of a shame to shoot a fake Tim Blair.
Shooting a Blair would be too strong stuff for the weak stomachs of the llliberal wussies who read this blog, Tim! They don't understand that you need to break a few eggs to create a democracy or a blog or whatever!
What you have to do is first ban 'em both (thank Timmy's mum Andrea for the clue), then reinstate abuse rights for the one who has his daddy's lawyers get right back to you.
Or whatever, I may have missed something.
Yukking it up about about shooting people. Commiserating about what a shame it would be to not shoot the real Tim Blair.
I see 'Sgt. Rock' Lambert hangs out with a cerebral crowd.
It is no wonder that you have become an embarrassment to your peers.
Tim, I hope you realize that on this side of the pond, the way to tell is to say to both of them:
"Queen to Queens' Level 3."
Whoever gives you the right move is in fact the real TB.
I cannot tell a lie. It was me that posted the fake Tim Blair comment.
Oh no you didn't you bloody liar, Not Tim Blair. The fake comment was my all my own work. Stop pretending to be me.
So you do delete comments that disagree but are not abusive! Am I banned now, too?
Richard, I banned the fake Tim Blair for impersonation, not because he disagreed.
Perhaps you should just change your panties and get on with life.
as a RWDB might say, shoot them all and let God sort it out ...
RWDBs? It seems like it is the LWMBs that are talking about shooting someone with whom they disagree.