I've switched my blog to Wordpress. I've imported all posts and comments from the old blog using this handy script.
It turned out I had 10 megabytes of posts and comments to transfer and I had to break it up into smaller pieces to avoid choking the script.
The old blog will be replaced with a redirect to this blog once I work out how to rewrite the URLs correctly.
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Upon entering the WordPress universe, I noticed right away that:
(1) It's a peachy application.
(2) Learning it all is not trivial, especially for the code-impaired.
Now I can learn by example, from someone who actually knows what he's doing, at a blog I enjoy reading!
What's not to like? Whoops, gotta go. I need to install that live preview plugin right now.
Very nice. Bit pale on my screen, but that may be the way Safari responds to the typeface list thingy.
Why the switch?
Wordpress is much more efficient and has more features.
Not sure I like the new style tbh. The old one was very distinctive, this looks more like any other blog.
As to the improvements I'm sure they are real but to me it means wasted space on either side and a smaller typeface that means I need glasses to read it :(. Oh, and if you make a mistake and try to post without the required fields it wont post and when you go back the post is lost...
It's content that counts though :)
I take most of it back!
First it's faint, then it's green, now it's changed again and is more readable and it's remembered me :)
I'm experimenting with different themes,so the look may change a lot.
Yay, we can refresh without the embarassing double-post!
Wordpress seems to have some sort of campatibiltiy problem with Foxfire.
Twice now, on two different machines, foxfire has hung while trying to execute a script from this blog.
There's also a problem with the scroll function in the comments window. When I type past the bottom of the text window (as just happened) the auto-scroll doesn't work and I can't see what I'm typing.
I'm using Firefox and I haven't had any problems. What were you doing when it hung?
Both times it was while trying to access a thread from the main page.
If it happens again I'll save the error message.
Looks great! :)