Skeptics Circle 18

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Wolverine Tom posted some of his pictures from Badlands National Park in South Dakota he visited last summer.
The Archaean Zone (formerly known as Wolverine Tom), Sporulaand Complex Medium are back in action after longish hiatus.
October 8-14 is Earth Science Week. This year's theme is "Be a Citizen Scientist!" Wolverine Tom is blogging hard this week - see this, this, this and this for now. How about an Earth Science Blogroll for all of us to bookmark?
As wolves wander into Massachusetts, we now have a report of the elusive Wolverine being spotted on a research camera in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Camera Spots Wolverine in Sierra Nevada from (AP) -- A research project aimed at weasels has turned up a bigger prize: a picture of a…

I notice you've got a copy of my blog (google search). Please do so (it can't hurt to have a backup), but with pathetic number of comments I get, do you think I'd delete comments I disagree with?