Dirty Tricks by "Sunday"

If you are interested in serious discussion of the Australian government's proposed new "anti-terrorist" laws, you should read the posts by Senator Andrew Bartlett, Mark Bahnisch, Ken Parish and Tim Dunlop. One place where you won't find it is on channel 9's "Sunday" program who interviewed my friend and colleague Waleed Kadous for an hour. I think Waleed had some serious and thoughtful things to say, but "Sunday" edited the interview down to under a minute. And look at what they used:

ADAM SHAND: But there is also ambiguity and political orthodoxy inside the Muslim community on the question of home-grown suicide bombers.

WALEED KADOUS: I'm sure that there are some in the community who are involved in terrorism, but it is important not to exaggerate either the threat or the number. I would ? actually, can I retract that. Let me just think of a way to phrase that better. If they do exist ? and I'm not sure that they do exist ? we only have ASIO's word to say that.

Waleed misspoke and corrected himself, but "Sunday" chose to broadcast his mistake rather than something substantive. I think that demonstrates that they are interested in stirring up controversy and promoting division rather than reasoned debate.

Naturally, the verbal equivalent of a typo didn't escape Tim Blair, Australia's most superficial blogger, who has a go at "Australian Muslim Waleed Kadous". I really don't recommend looking at the comments to Blair's post unless you are interested in reading paroxysms of anti-Muslim hatred and bigotry from the Blair fan club.


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Ah, come on. There was some humorous comments there too. You lefties have no sense of humor.

By wronwight (not verified) on 19 Oct 2005 #permalink

Yes, because the Blairorrhoids who called Waleed a "liar", a "Terrorist-PR flunky", "scum" and a "shit-head" who should "piss off" out of Australia were just being humorous. Nice company you keep there, wronwright.

never trust a sandnigger, only when thet are dead.

By Peter Bickle (not verified) on 19 Oct 2005 #permalink

So how does calling someone a liar, scum. terrorist-pr flunky or a shit head, translate into being anti-muslim Tim? As far as i an see these claims an (and have been) made about just about anyone. You might not agree with the opinions expressed, but you are drawing a long bow by calling them anti-muslim.

"So how does calling someone a liar, scum. terrorist-pr flunky or a shit head, translate into being anti-muslim Tim? As far as i an see these claims an (and have been) made about just about anyone. You might not agree with the opinions expressed, but you are drawing a long bow by calling them anti-muslim."

Brillant Tony. Now that's what I call champagne satire.

never trust a sandnigger, only when thet are dead.

I, personally, never trust mouth-breathing white racist morons, only when they are dead.

See, when you condone that kind of knee-jerk unthinking behavior, it persists.

Soon, soft white folk will be a minority and on the receiving end of condoned behavior. Then the lil' whities will all cry and boo-hoo all over themselves.

Jus' sayin'.


Hi Dano
At least this mouth-breathing white racist moron does not blow up holiday resorts, trains, buses, fly planes into buildings, rob people and do drugs, but hey I pay a shitload of tax to keep these shitheads accustomed to a lifestyle they never had.
I bet the limp wristed liberals can't wait until little ole whity is a minority, then they will have so many poor down trodden people to fuss over, never mind who will pay for all this fussing about. I am just sick of feeling sorry for those minority fucks who come here to live the life of the locals but end up segregating themselves from mainstream and start calling for us to understand them and to change our ways. The middle east is for sandniggers, not Australia/New Zealand, America, UK etc. If you want to live them, go to Saudi or if you are real adventorous go to Iraq, I am sure they will be really interested in your lifestyle and changes you want them to make.
Peter Bickle

BTW Dano, when will you next reply at climateaudit, I miss your posts.

By Peter Bickle (not verified) on 20 Oct 2005 #permalink

Mr Dunlop,

Since the comment originally at #3 was deleted, presumably because it violated your personal attack prohibition - the comment asked if you are an idiot - shouldn't the sandnigger comments also be removed? You know, for the sake of civility and consistency.

Whats wrong with calling an arab a sandnigger, they call me an infadel, no difference in my opinion.

By Peter Bickle (not verified) on 22 Oct 2005 #permalink

Mr Bickle,

Whereas I'm all for freedom of expression, your "sandnigger" jibe clearly violates this blog's personal attack prohibition. To me, calling someone a sandnigger is much more offensive than asking the host if he is an idiot. In fact, your calling Kadous a sandnigger is damned near offensive as me calling Ian Gould a "crtn".