24th Skeptic's Circle

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It's that time again, time for another meeting of that--choke!--"venerable" blog carnival known as the Skeptic's Circle. Sorry, it just bugs me that the Circle I took over four years ago is now counted as "venerable." Oh, well. In any case, this time around, it's at Cubik's Rube (great name for a…
Get your 55th Skeptic's Circle right here.
The Saturday, November 1, 2008 edition of the Carnival of Evolution, a.k.a. The Carnival of Evolution #5, is now up at The Other 95% The Carnival of the Liberals: Election Special! is HERE at the Lay Scientist. I shall note as well that the next edition of teh COL is here, on this blog (this one…
I'm afraid that I have been a bit remiss in my duties as the coordinator of the Skeptic's Circle. You see, today was a travel day, and I was heading to Chicago on business. Unfortunately, the Skeptics' Circle link was not posted very early this morning before I left (probably due to the fact that…