Koufax Nominations

I've been nominated for a Koufax award for Best Single Issue Blog and for Most Deserving of Wider Recognition. Voting hasn't started yet, but there all kinds of interesting blogs on those lists, so here's a chance to find an interesting blog that you haven't seen before.


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Voting has started for the Koufax awards. I've been nominated for a Koufax award for Best Single Issue Blog and for Most Deserving of Wider Recognition.
So, it appears that Koufax Awards will happen. These are the most celebrated blog awards of them all (unless you are a wingnut). I am not exactly sure when all the lists of nominations will be finalized (or if any additions will be allowed at this date - these are 2006 awards, after all) and when…
tags: blog awards, Koufax Awards Wow, surprise, surprise! I just discovered that Living the Scientific Life was nominated for one of the Koufax Awards, in the category "Most Deserving of Wider Recognition". This category is defined as being for writers who consistently deliver, yet don't receive…
I have been writing my class syllabus (conservation genetics) for awhile today and as a reward, I thought I'd peek in on you all to see what you are doing. I just learned that, for reasons that escape me, the Koufax Awards voting deadline has been extended until tonight. I think this is great! So,…

Best Single Issue blog? Hmmm! Beware, you could be in danger of earning the late, great Bernard Levin's soubriquet of "sif" - single issue fanatic! I don't think it was a compliment.

'Politics' is hardly a single issue in the same way that 'media' is a plural! Sorta like being called single issue for writing about 'life in general.'

Grats on the nom, nonetheless. :)

Soon as you get cosy under the counterpane with other people, you stop blogging.

What is wrong? Has the astroturf gone soggy in the cold rain of logic?