Job Opening

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AEI Research Integrity

AEI operates at the intersection of scholarship and politics, aiming to elevate political debate and improve the substance of government policy. Many of the subjects of AEI research and publications are controversial, and many are the focus of rough political contention and intense interest-group advocacy.

Fair & Balanced!

Qualified applicants should submit a resumé, salary history [...]

It screams "we don't know how much we should pay you". Conservatives could be more business-savy.

By Roman Werpachowski (not verified) on 01 Mar 2006 #permalink

Do it, Tim. I'd like to be a fly on the wall when they open your envelope.



And you can use public transportation!

I wonder if they pay relocation expenses from Australia.

Heck, apply. See if they have the wit to Google you. What's the worst that could happen?

Unless, of course, AEI has some policy we don't know about regarding the hiring of spouses, nephews and doppelgangers.

"deep familiarity with contemporary politics and conservative ideas, strong literary and creative abilities"

Well, you seem qualified on the first, and there's nothing wrong with your literary skills, but do you really have the creativity to think out justifications for every hare-brained proposal or belief the AEI funders shows you?

Heck, apply. See if they have the wit to Google you. What's the worst that could happen?

Their minds melts down in such a way to create a space-flux, which destroys the entire universe as we know it. This is however a very unlikely result.

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 02 Mar 2006 #permalink

A very unlikely result; their minds can twist to accomodate pretty much anything.