This Saturday, 1st April in the Royal Botanic Gardens from 1pm. We'll be at the lawn to the east of the Main Pond. Tigtog has some pictures of the location.
More like this
On Saturday, I showed to a bloggers meet up organized by Suki and Susoz. Also attending were weez, Flashman, Morgan and tigtog. We decided that a bloggers' picnic would be fun, so, if you're in Sydney on Saturday April 1st, come to the Royal Botanical Gardens from 1pm. We're spreading the picnic…
We've settled on some final plans for the Midwest middle of nowhere cornfield Scienceblogs millionth comment party!. Here's the details:
Time and Place
Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Jupiter's Pizza
Street: 39 Main St
City/Town:Champaign, IL
You can also check…
Dave, Maria, Grrl, and I will all be at Ozzie's in Lower Queen Anne on Saturday afternoon.
I've never met the other three bloggers but after checking out Maria's wedding pictures and the liquid nitrogen, I'm really looking forward to this. We'll be upstairs in the mezzanine and we'll have a…
For those of you who expressed an interest (even telepathically) in the meet-up of ScienceBlogs bloggers and readers in the three-dimensional world (specifically, Manhattan) next Saturday, I now have much more precise details:
UPDATE: We won't be meeting at the Arthur Ross Terrace. (…
sigh! i wish i was there! i'll bet the birding is fabulous, too.
Seethe with envy, Grrl. Out and proud mostly sacred ibis, pigeons, mynahs, ducks and seagulls. Around the quieter ponds, White-faced Herons. In the undergrowth and understorey plantings, finches and bulbuls. Superb Fairy Wrens. Sulphur crested cockatoos, lorikeets and rosellas, and lots and lots and lots of fruitbats.
And then there are the migratory birds. Of course, most of the birds that were recorded by the early colonists are no longer in the park.
Heh, I might be able to make that, though I'm not sure I really qualify as a blogger. Would be nice to meet some familiar names in the flesh.
Danny, sorry to overlook your comment - I've been a bit busy and haven't checked Tim's blog for a coupla days.
It's not really "my" event I'm just the wrangler this time around, so I hope Tim doesn't mind me mouthing off - but the more the merrier I reckon.
PS Danny - I grew up bushwalking although I'm now way too unfit. My dad at 70 could outwalk me with hardly a light sweat, being the dedicated Springwood Bushwalker he is. We could terrorise the others with threats of campfire singsongs...