Last Sunday, about a hundred zombies lurched through downtown Sydney. In an interesting coincidence some zombie facts have lurched through a column by Ruth Lea:
And, interestingly, global average air temperatures, which are regarded as more reliable by climate scientists, have not changed over the past 20 to 30 years.
Oh look, it's the satellites don't show warming zombie. Dead for quite a while now, still staggering around in global warming skeptic writings.
And indeed it is, as there seems to be little scientific agreement that mankind's fossil-fuel burning is the major reason for climate change. On the contrary, analyses of scientific papers on climate change by Dr Benny Peiser, of John Moores University, and Dr Dennis Bray, of the German-based GKSS National Research Centre conclude that the dissenters are in a healthy majority.
Hey, it's Peiser's 34 abstracts zombie. Even he has admitted that it's dead. And Bray's useless on-line poll zombie. Lea says she's a trained statistician, so she should know that on-line surveys don't give representative samples.
Well I guess they're not very dangerous, because it's obvious that they're dead. Except to Tim Blair. Look out Tim!, they'll eat your ... Oh. Never mind.
I wonder if the Hitler Zombie was there.
It might be time for him to make a return to Respectful Insolence. He's been gone a long time.
This is not particularly on-topic to zombieness, but you mentioned Hitler, and I just discovered Hitler ist Emo, which surely shows that the Fuhrer has the appropriate angstfilled response to the tragedy that is zombie facts.