1,000,000 visits

My one millionth visitor came from Vrije Universiteit in Belgium and was here for 38 minutes. My thanks to everyone who has dropped by.


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The two millionth visitor here came from California State University, Sacramento. My thanks to everyone who has dropped by.
tags: five million, sitemeter Many thanks to everyone who has visited my blog, it has been a pleasure writing for you. I was watching sitemeter as it passed the five millionth visitor just now, so (amazingly), I know who it was. This person was from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and was popping…
If you were hanging around ScienceBlogs yesterday, you probably came across this post at Pharyngula. In it, Dr. Myers links to an article on a study by Bushman et al.1 purporting to show that people are more aggressive after reading passages from the Bible in which God sanctions violence than after…
Sometime last night, my blog received its one millionth visitor. I had predicted that the one millionth visitor would arrive here in approximately two weeks' time, but thanks to slashdot, which linked to one of my stories, it happened earlier. I am so pleased and impressed with this blog and…

You're welcome, and thank you!

By Mark Shapiro (not verified) on 02 Aug 2006 #permalink

We're the ones thanking YOU, sir.



Ditto ditto!
Congratulations Tim and thank you for this very fine must-read blog, right up there in the blogverse.

Say, somebody notify those luminaries Fumento, Lapkin, Lott, Milloy and perhaps Tim Blair that there's a chance for a snark going begging here ...
"Wot only a million? Not one of them a Fox fan or Rupert reader? Hey loooser there's no money in that!"