Janet D. Stemwedel, fresh from organizing the great nerd-off, has put together the sad puppy edition of the Skeptic's Circle.
More like this
Janet declared a nerd-off, so I must join the throng.
Here is a colour-coded table of SciBloggers results in the
Nerd test.
Nerd Score
99 Nerd God
Mark C. Chu-Carroll
99 Nerd God
Tim Lambert
99 Nerd God
Shelley Batts
99 Nerd God
PZ Myers
99 Nerd God
afarensis, FCD
99 Nerd…
I never knew that puppies liked logic and critical thinking. I always thought that they liked running, playing, eating, sleeping, and being petted. But, according to Janet Stemwedel, there is at least one puppy who is a budding skeptic, and bad reasoning and gullibility make him sad. She explains…
It's almost here already, hard as it is to believe. The next Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is due to appear on Thursday, September 14 at Adventures in Ethics and Science. Given her spearheading of the lastest blog silliness that's been going around here lately, namely the nerd-off that most of us…
Janet has posted the final results of the Nerd-off, and, contrary to what he deserves, Orac did not come in first place.
I was robbed!
Come on, how could the Dalek cookie jar sitting on the shelf in my office not have guaranteed my ultimate triumph over all in the realm of nerdiness?