It was rigged!

I didn't even place in the Nerd-Off final tally!

I guess I'm just too suave and ept.


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I'm vaguely relieved that I didn't make the Top Five in the Nerd-Off. Just to prove that I'm still plenty nerdy, though, here are a few links: First, a new(ish) physics grad student blog, Tales from the Learning Curve, by Jen Fallis. I noticed her blog a while abck when she ran into everyone's…
When the Science Bloggers had their nerd-off recently, I finished dead last. I could not hold a candle to the sheer geekiness of the rest of the group (especially Orac, the Uber-nerd). But last night I boosted my nerd cred: I knocked Wil Wheaton out of a tournament at Poker Stars (which says…
Although it would seem that some suspiciously hott ScienceBloggers think they have enough data to call a winner in the nerd-off, it's not over yet. There are more nerds poised to represent. (Not just ScienceBloggers, either. I'm curious to see whether anyone at Cosmic Variance will throw down.)…
Janet has posted the final results of the Nerd-off, and, contrary to what he deserves, Orac did not come in first place. I was robbed! Come on, how could the Dalek cookie jar sitting on the shelf in my office not have guaranteed my ultimate triumph over all in the realm of nerdiness?

According to the dic built into OS X:

ORIGIN mid 16th cent.(in the sense [not apt, unsuitable] ): from Latin ineptus, from in- 'not' + aptus (see apt ).

I know a little man both ept and ert.
An intro--? an extro--? No, he's just a vert.
Shevelled and couth and kempt, pecunious, ane,
Gus unage trudes upon the ceptive brain.

When life turns sipid and the mind is traught,
The spirit soars as I would sist it ought.
Chalantly then, like any gainly goof
My digent self is sertive, choate, loof.

--David McCord (1897 - 1997)

A lot of people confuse nerds with wimps. You're not wimpy, so maybe that's why you didn't place....SH

By Scott Hatfield (not verified) on 18 Sep 2006 #permalink

PZ is neither a nerd or a wimp, he's a GEEK! There is a difference folks. ;^)

Cursed be the scurvy knave who Diebolded ye! (I just viewed the pirate language lesson before writing this. I hope you can tell, PZ. Oh yeah, ARRR!)