Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind

Last night I saw went to the 2006 UNSW CSE Revue: The teXt Files: Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind. An awesome show, especially if you are a nerd, with sketches on the X files, Stargate, role-playing games, computer games, Numb3rs, making fun of Arts students, an audience paricipation where they built their own hardware and software and a big song and dance number called "Nerdy":

You get me so excited every time that we roleplay
No one can emulate the features that you've got on display
Tried to establish a connection but you didn't reply
But I don't care 'cause you're my new case sensitive new age guy
I'm backwards compatible
So breach my firewall
Plug me in, click my mouse and push my buttons too

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