Goodbye to Inhofe

Gavin Schmidt reviews Inhofe's last Senate hearing on climate change, which starred Bob "global warming ended in 1998" Carter.

Kevin Grandia also says good bye.

And while I'm posting links: Nexus 6 catches NSW politician Jon Jenkins peddling Peiser's discredited criticism of Oreskes and Eli Rabett goes the extra mile on Khilyuk and Chilingar, not just showing how wrong they are, but also explaining where all the outgassed CO2 went.

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While Inhofe may be losing his megaphone, I'd still keep the bingo board handy.

Like Zombies, these people have a way of returning just when you thought they had been vanquished. (You have to cut off their heads to make them go away for good, if I am not mistaken)

According to the definitive source on Zombies (Night of the Living Dead"), cutting off the head would probably be categorized as "overkilling a Zombie", but it would do the trick nonetheless.

Killing a Zombie

1. Zombies can be killed by a bullet or sharp blow to the head. "Kill the brain, and you kill the ghoul".

Then again, perhaps Inhofe is not a Zombie after all. By the above definition, he would already be dead.

Perhaps some Zombiologist (?) can shed further light on this conundrum.

Just so there's no confusion, I meant that by the definition, Inhofe would already be "dead dead" -- not "living dead".

"cutting off the head would probably be categorized as "overkilling a Zombie""

Not at all, the official governnment prescription from Night of the living Dead is "...removing the head or destroying the brain".

Of course, we might be dealing here not with Romero-Zombies (Night of the Living Dead)but with Raimi-Zombies (Army of Darkness) in which case the only effective remedy is to destroy the Book of the Dead - in this case that probably equates to the original text of the Oregon Petition.

By Ian Gould (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink

Thanks Ian for that clarification. You clearly know more about Zombies than I.

I have always wondered whence the term Dead Head.

I guess these are all former Zombies?

The above comments are an impressive display of reasoned rational discussion about the issues. NOT!

This sort of discussion can only damage the Anthropogenic Global Warming cause. Please lift your game, and deal with the science. Please.

By Concerned of Berkely (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink

The reason I think I may agree with Concerned of Berkeley is that CoB has me smiling harder than have the rest of you knuckleheads ... :)