Craig Harper has created a list of the top 100 Australian blogs based on Technorati rankings (which are based on the number of blogs that link to you). It's in his right side bar near the bottom.
Of course that are lots of other ways to rank blogs, so Meg has re-ordered it using Alexa rankings (which are based on the number of visits from people who have installed the Alexa tool bar.)
More like this
Here are the top 5 lists of the top Australian blogs:
Janette Toral
Blog Juice
Technorati + Feedburner + Google Rank
Craig Harper
Meg Tsiamis
Technorati + Alexa
links counted by Yahoo
It would be crass to post a top ten list where your own blog was number one. But if you posted a list where some other blog was number one and then that other blog returned the favour, well, that wouldn't be crass would it? Anyway, here are the top ten Alexa-ranked-by-traffic right-wing…
A couple readers have emailed me asking what I think of the recent Nature article on blogs by scientists. I agree with Revere that it's great that Nature (and specifically, Nature reporter Declan Butler) is paying such close attention to blogs in science. The top 50 list they provide is a good…
This Thursday's issue of Nature ranks the top 50 science blogs on the internet and, somewhat surprisingly, The Scientific Activist lands in the #5 spot. The top 5, with their Technorati ranks in parentheses, are as follows:
Pharyngula (179)
The Panda's Thumb (1,647)
RealClimate (1,884)
Where's Quiggin? authoritative list :not. Back to motivational B.S. Craig.
And they're not all blogs. ie number 16 "The World Today" site at the ABC.
How do people feel about the inclusion of commmercial blogs?
IT News
Entrepreneur's Journey
Alister Cameron - "If you haven't worked it out yet, I'm passionate about blogging! I build blogs, I optimize and market blogs, I coach bloggers, and in the gaps I blog about blogging. Phew!
The World Today..
Sweet Sensation - "INGREDIENTS:
chocolate ripple cookies
whipped cream" with a photo of Arnotts cookies, sorry biscuits.."
Small Business Marketing and Branding - By Yaro Starak
Without actually clicking and counting, I reckon they run about a third of the list.