Blogger Rap

Mrs Deltoid wrote the following and told me that I had to post it on my blog. I'm not sure who it is directed at.

I'm a blogger, gonna try some rap.
XYZ put me on the map.
I'm a V.I.B
I'm on the list
I'm a VIP
you get the gist.
Piss me off and it'll be G.G.
Just try it- you will see.
Yeah I'm a blogger,
Unk Unk
One wrong word and you'll be sunk
My kids say I'm uncool
A nerd who acts like he's still at school
watchin' Bab5 on DVD
and listening to Beatles avidly
But it's my life and I'm gonna livit
Blogging takes time and I'm gonna givit,
Cause I have fans, I have a lot
A million hits is what I got
Cause I'm a star, a VIP
The list makes me a VIB
Something they will never be.
Yeah- I'm a blogger true and proud
Now sing my rap song good and loud!!!


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Dat pwns.

...or am I mixing my shiz?

By SmellyTerror (not verified) on 22 Apr 2007 #permalink