Skeptics' Circle 62

Put together by Thursday, read it here.

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Anyone who tries to refute alarmist claims is caught with a problem.

Since the alarmists refuse to come up with any evidence whatsoever they leave no material for anyone to refute.

Its pretty clear that the watts-per-square-meter paradigm is not only wrong but silly.

A new paradigm will have to replace it and these things can start off pretty crude and clunky.

The development of a more sensible paradigm is not assisted by the presence of idiots with no interst in scientific evidence trying to nitpick the evidence of others while offering none themselves.

By Timothy Allen (not verified) on 21 Jun 2007 #permalink

Wow? I didn't think anyone would make comments like this in such hostile territory. Gutsy. But I don't think Mr Deltoid will let your comment stand.

By Nathan Sevitt (not verified) on 22 Jun 2007 #permalink

I don't mind so much whether "Mr Deltoid" wipes the comments or not. I'd just be happy if he came up with some evidence for the watts-per-square meter paradigm in its current form.

By Timothy Allen (not verified) on 22 Jun 2007 #permalink