Atmoz examines a Climate Audit thread as Steve McIntyre and company wrestle with the question of why the northern hemisphere is warming faster than the southern hemisphere.
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This is just one of dozens of responses to common climate change denial arguments, which can all be found at How to Talk to a Climate Sceptic.
Scientists claim that Global Warming from GHG's is actually being countered somewhat by Global Dimming from aerosol pollution. They even say that…
If the title of Matt Ridley's new book, The Rational Optimist, sounds a little familiar, that's because it borrows heavily from the world view of one Bjorn "The Skeptical Environmentalist" Lomborg. Both contrarians dismiss global warming as nothing to worry about, although Ridley seems even less…
This is just one of dozens of responses to common climate change denial arguments, which can all be found at How to Talk to a Climate Sceptic.
It was even warmer than today during the Holocene Climatic Optimum without any human influence.
Actually, it turns out that though there…
Over the past few days we have had another outbreak of stories of how global warming has been totally disproved. For example, James Delingpole: the global warming industry is based on one MASSIVE lie
When finally McIntyre plotted in a much larger and more representative range of samples than used…
"Steve McIntyre and company wrestle...
...which would necessarily make it "mud-wrestling", would it not?