Monckton Lambert debate on A-Pac

Looks like they are going to show video of the debate at Saturday 11.22pm AEDT, and Sunday 3.39pm 10.01pm AEDT on A-PAC. You can watch here.

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just watched parts of it, caught only the last questions though.

anyone been recording anything?

OK, If I did the time zone thing correctly, for US viewers this will air again at 5:39 PM (ET) Saturday (corresponds with Sydney at 3:39 PM Sunday).

Tim - I love the shoes and suit with loosened tie. You look like a hardworking every day guy going up against the stuffed shirt in wing tips. Then you come out on stage and showed you had done your homework, and ran rings around Monckton. Put those shoes in the closet, and wear them to every debate.

Any chance we could get you to come and debate Monckton in Washington D.C.?

BTW, the first thing they teach you in responding to questions in Public Affairs classes; answer any questions quickly, then immediately segue into a point that you want the audience to hear. Use the questions as a springboard to raise the issues you care about. If you figured that out on your own, without the PR training, that shows you have some good intuitive skills in this area.


Oops, for US viewers, the time would be 5:39 PM Pacific time, and 8:39 Eastern Time.

Just watching it on A Pac now in the UK.

You are better on video Tim than with just Audio.
I think your voice doesn't sound confident, however with visuals, your pauses are explained, you use hand gestures etc.

Just watching the debate with the audience now.
It is clear that there is bias from the moderator. He said he wanted short questions, but allowed the first question to ramble on. Also questions are addressed to Monckton so he can make his speeches, but Tim should have been able to answer the same question as well.

But it isn't surprising that you got weird questions from the audience, it's not unusual.