Do I have to roll up a newspaper?
Big Tom warned me in today's cranks post of the ABC news' headline Global Warming Tipping Point in '09?" in regards to this paper from the Hadley Centre on new more sophisticated modeling techniques. Could they be more boneheaded?
Fortunately, nowhere in the article do they mention "tipping" points for '09, it's just that yellow headline. The point of the story is that this modeling that uses current weather patterns and data to model climate for the near future shows a likely lull in the current upward trend before further increases in temperature after 2009. This does not mean a "tipping point" has been reached, nor should such a thing be suggested.
Bad ABC news. Bad!
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Bad media. No biscuit.
If only that would have the same effect as it does on my dog.
I would love to see them slinking off, tails and ears down to sulk in their kennel.