Scott Hatfield to debate Uber-Crank

Responding to an idiotic challenge from Vox Day Scott Hatfield has chosen to debate Vox at some point after August 15th.

I don't know what to think. On the one hand, debating a crank like Vox day is unlikely to do anyone any good. It's not like a guy who doesn't think that science is valid (all science I know, he's crazy) is likely to be receptive to anything but their pre-formed worldview. On the other hand, it may help people see just how much of a lunatic crank Vox Day is. Although I don't know that we need evidence beyond the fact he writes for World Nut Daily.

In the end, I think it's worth it for the sheer humor value of such an exchange. We have an early hint from Vox that this is going to be a side splitter. He writes:

"Since biology is entirely outside my areas of both interest and expertise, I think this should be an interesting experiment as to whether decades of science is enough to trump raw intellect."


Scott is sharpening up his arguments in preparation. Drop by and give him some moral support.

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