The Right to Trial...By Elves

The Journal's James Hookway informs us that a trial court judge in Manila, Judge Floro, has an interesting set of consultants: three elves, only visible to the judge himself! Belief in this trio has caused the country's supreme court to intervene and fire the judge.

...Mr. Floro, 54 years old, has become a media celebrity. He is now wielding his new clout to campaign for the return of his job -- and exact vengeance on the Supreme Court.

Helping him, he says, are his three invisible companions. "Angel" is the neutral force, he says. "Armand" is a benign influence. "Luis," whom Mr. Floro describes as the "king of kings," is an avenger.

Mr. Floro has become a regular on Philippine television. Often he is asked to make predictions with the help of his invisible friends. "They say your show will be taken off the air if you don't feature me more often," was Mr. Floro's reply to one interviewer.

The full article is worth a read for a giggle; here's just a snippet:

Mr. Floro says he never consulted the invisible elves over judicial decisions and the fact that he puts faith in them should make no difference to his career. "It shouldn't matter what I believe in, whether it's Jesus, Muhammad, or Luis, Armand and Angel," he says in an interview.


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Oh, he's progressing through the Monster Manual - it used to be dwarves. He appeared on Ben Goldacre's Bad Science discussion board last year. For example. A very strange person indeed.


Well, apparently he must have skipped over "dragon" and "demon" and a few others, or he just shifted past them too fast for anyone to notice. lol

I wonder: how is his belief in a trio of elves (which is apparently not that strange in the context of widespread Filipino beliefs) any different than a belief in the Catholic trinity?

"Lest we be misconstrued, we do not denigrate such a belief system," Associate Justice Minita Chico-Nazario wrote in the Supreme Court's verdict. "However, such beliefs, especially since Judge Floro acted on them, are at odds with the critical and impartial thinking required of a judge under our judicial system."

So, if a Christian, or otherwise religious person were to 'act on' their belief system, would that be at odds with "the critical and impartial thinking required of a judge"?

Well, I have to agree with him, there. "It shouldn't matter what I believe in, whether it's Jesus, Muhammad, or Luis, Armand and Angel." The only reason his belief is more ridiculous is because he's the only one who holds it.

I don't know if that's the only reason that his belief is ridiculous...

While I have to agree that this is obvious media pandering I also have to agree with the man. Who cares if he believes in elves? Especially considering that he claims to never base legal decisions on their whims. O mean when a Christian judge states clearly that his imaginary god is the sole source of his judgments we don't kick him out.

I see no difference, other than social mores, between literally believing in the holy trinity or the elves' triumvirate.

The truth is, in so far as any exists, we are all moonbats of one persuasion or another.

Call it the religion of our genes.

Science and rationalism may bring us closer to understanding or some semblance of truth (although objectivist epistemology a la Ayn Rand makes me physically ill) but, in the end, we are essentially subjective beings traveling in a universe ultimately beyond our ken.

By OilMonkey (not verified) on 17 Sep 2007 #permalink

These are apparently the same elves who whisper in GWB's ear about invading Iraq & all that shit. Difference is, GWB listens to the little fuckers.

Nah. The ones whispering the GWB are "Dark Elves". The twisted logic and crazy backstabbing, along with rampant authoritarianism, is pretty much what you expect from the followers of the Demon Queen of Spiders they follow. ;) lol

Shouldn't that be: "the Demon Queen of Spiders they follow. ;) Lolth"?

Okay, I'm a geek.

Shouldn't that be: "the Demon Queen of Spiders they follow. ;) Lolth"?

Okay, I'm a geek.

Shouldn't that be: "the Demon Queen of Spiders they follow. ;) Lolth"?

Okay, I'm a geek.

Sorry about the triple post. I was getting the dreaded Internal Server Error.

In before 'You can't compare my invisible friends to his!'

By Brendan S (not verified) on 19 Sep 2007 #permalink

Judge Floro's Blog:

Judge Floro's 27 Philippine TV documentaries on YouTube:

Judge Floro's Auto / Article User Page on Wikipedia:

Judge Floro's 27 pages, 34, 000 views, 1, 400 replies Legendary thread on RUSH Counterparts Message Board:…

Judge Floro's email and yahoo messenger:

Judge Floro's contact numbers:

Celphone No. secretary Belen:


digitel Philippines land line

(044) 662-8203