Cults make you stupid

You don't have to be stupid to join a cult (although it helps), but once you're in...

You see, PZ went to see Expelled
. With some friends. No one of note really, just THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS ATHEIST!!!111!

And which one got tossed at the door? Take that, Dawkins! We grow good atheists right here in the Midwest!

But really, it's not just the funniest thing to happen in Minnesota since lutefisk. It shows how cults make you dumb. They discourage independent thought. Followers get their marching orders and, well, march without question. God forbid (irony intended) that you should exercise your own mind and say, "Maybe the Dear Leaders wanted all famous atheists out, not just one."

I do wonder about the Rent-a-Cops at the theater. Do the theater owners just throw out everyone they're asked to? What was it about PZ? What if the KKK had rented out the theater for some white supremicist movie? Would they throw Abe Foxman or Jesse Jackson out?

Not that arbitrarily tossing some professor out of a movie based on his religious beliefs (OK, lack of them) is the same as tossing out the head of the Anti-Defamation League or a prominent African-American leader.

Or is it?

More like this

As you have undoubtedly heard, a group of evolutionary biologists and evolutionary biology supporters attended a showing of the movie Expelled, in the Twin Cities, last night. This group included the very famous Richard Dawkins and the only slightly less famous PZ Myers. PZ and Richard, in fact,…
Myers? Myers? .... Myers? ..... Myers? (He's not here, Ben ... Your producer threw him out.)You know about the incredibly ironic dust up, whereby Expelled! producers kicked PZ myers out of line at a pre-release showing, but failed to notice that Richard Dawkins was standing right next to him…
The Scotsman is reporting that the Anti-Defamation League is calling for criminal charges to be filed against Mel Gibson for his anti-semitic remarks: Calling for a criminal investigation into the Oscar-winning actor and director's remarks, Abraham Foxman, the national director of the US Jewish…
It's not just the science groups who are upset with Expelled's misuse of the Holocaust for petty political advantage. The venerable Anti-Defamation League says that the anti-evolution film misappropriates the Holocaust: New York, NY, April 29, 2008 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today issued…

Hilarious for sure.

I do think it was a private screening so I think they had the right to deny entrance to whomever, even though PZ apparently registered correctly. They're spinning it up that PZ was not invited or was causing a disturbance. All which have been denied by witnesses. It's typical Cdesign proponentsists tactics. The fact that PZ got tossed and The Devil incarnate didn't is what kills me.

Kevin Miller is spinning it up here.

You don't have to be stupid to join a cult (although it helps), but once your in...

I bet they're grammar is terrible as well! What a bunch of loosers!

By Ian B Gibson (not verified) on 21 Mar 2008 #permalink

Wow, tough crowd.

Thank you for your assistance. Apparently, the gears and cranks of MT don't include a copyeditor.

Sorry if I sounded snarky. I should have added a smiley ;)

By Ian B Gibson (not verified) on 21 Mar 2008 #permalink

No, the assistince is apreciated. I'm very good at making speling errors and other mistakes gramatic.

The events of last night certainly do leave some dangling questions. It seems though that most of the facts are in. (Waiting for confirmation concerning the cop, the propriety, the law, and whether or not being notorious trumps being well known (ala PZ v Dawkins) to come in before final "crime scene reconstruction.")

I am of the opinion that, when the dust has settled enough to see the far wall, this whole donnybrook will take on even more hilarious and revealing clarity. Much, one who hope, to the chagrin of Stein, et al.

One more thing, the faithful will not be moved except to redouble their angst, their victim hood and their utter repudiation of what normally passes for evidence.

"Ahhh, grasshoppers! Perhaps someday they will begin to learn."
I love them but I don't like them. Some strange shit left over from my Jesus Freak days. Hard to believe I can still embrace such a philosophy now that I have added puppies and small children to my diet. What? You don't eat cute?

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 21 Mar 2008 #permalink

PZ and his friends and family members signed up on the Expelled web site under their own names and got email confirmations, just as other attendees did, for this showing. Claiming now that it was a private showing and that the Expelled promoters weren't allowing people in who'd signed up on the web site and gotten confirmations is bull____. If it was a closed private screening and not open to anyone who signed up, why did they allow in everybody else in his group? Really, the "it was a private screening" claim is an incredibly pathetic one to use since it's so obviously not true.

We grow good atheists right here in the Midwest!

PZ is a recent immigrant to the Midwest. His happy childhood was spent in the waters of Puget Sound or thereabouts.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 23 Mar 2008 #permalink