Creation vs. Expelled

Darwin biopic Creation premiered in seven movie theaters across the country last weekend, earning $53,073, an average of $7,582. That's not a lot of money, but at roughly $10/ticket, this works out to 760 viewers per theater, a solid showing. I know the theater I saw it at was full for their 7 pm showing.

Compare that to creationist schlockumentary Expelled: No Intelligenceâ¦, released two springs ago. Part of its promotional strategy was a big opening weekend; coordinating with the owners of Regal movie theaters, they opened in 1,052 theaters, earning $2,970,848, or $2,824 per theater (roughly 280 viewers).

By my math, Creation did more than 3 times better than Expelled, and with a much smaller promotional budget. Which makes sense: it's a much better movie.

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Your statement at the end makes me wonder how quickly people would dismiss your statement, since Expelled earned roughly 56 times more money during it's opening weekend than Creation. And as "everyone knows", $2.9 million is far better (i.e., more successful) than $0.053 million.

(Of course, these arguments completely fail to understand what a quotient represents.)