Autism cranks going after bloggers

It's time to open up a can of Streisand. The author of the autism blog Neurodiversity, along with many other blogs and other online entities, has been subpoenaed to produce what amounts to her entire life to aid in some frivolous autism suit. The only thing they didn't ask her to do was submit to a speculum exam (don't get any ideas, bastards!).

This is truly outrageous. It is a clear attempt by a group of (forgive me, please PP) demented fucking wackaloons to intimidate a humble New Englander who enjoys writing.

Time to get the word out!

(Hat tip LizDitz)


Orac and others have pointed out that the lawyer involved is the real bad guy here. It's hard to blame devastated parents, but this Clifford Shoemaker guy should be ashamed of himself.


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This is definitely getting out of hand... I hope someone can give Kathleen some good legal advice.

By Nick Dellhall (not verified) on 03 Apr 2008 #permalink

There is a poll available at the legal site asking:

Do you believe that thimerosol in vaccines has contributed to the autism epidemic? Yes NO

Currently at 75% in favor of NO.

Consider promoting the poll.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 04 Apr 2008 #permalink

Science isn't a matter of public opinion.

Two sentence's at the Shoemaker & Associates site told me all I need to know about these people:

"If you believe your child developed autism as the result of vaccine received, there are certain things you should know. First, you need to determine whether you can file a timely claim..."

Really? I'd figure the first thing you would need to determine is whether or not that's a legitimate belief. The way that's phrased makes it sound like Shoemaker & Associates' motto should be "Litigate them all and let God sort them out."

I'm not sure which does the most harm to our society-- lawyers being allowed to advertise their services or pharmaceutical companies being able to advertise their pills.

They took the poll off the site. Damn. That was fun while it lasted.

By Madam Ovary (not verified) on 06 Apr 2008 #permalink

Re Will K's comment: I see a bumper sticker...

A cartoon of a speeding ambulance followed by an attorney waving a legal paper:

Above: "Chase 'em all - let the courts sort 'em out"

Below: "Thank you for helping a lawyer buy his next Lexus"

Perhaps we could have a competition to find the most appropriate variant.