Some of the best blogs you might not be reading

This is my little version of blogrolling, something I vowed to never do, but I've been reading so many good blogs lately that I'd like to share some links. Some of these are on our blogroll, some aren't.

EpiWonk: An epidemiology blog.

Archeoporn: one of the best names on the web.

Submitted to a Candid World: progressive politics, but not a rant.

Evangelical Realism: this ain't your grandma's Old Time Religion

The field negro: stuff you didn't know you needed to know, but you need to know it

The Bad Idea Blog, apparently written by Jabba the Hut.

Historiann: written by a, well, historian, and yet mysteriously not boring.

Happy Jihad's House of Pancakes: another great blog with a great name

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I follow a number of the other bloggers you mention and I can say that I am not worthy of the honor of being flushed down their toilets. I follow this site as well, and I take your opinion as high praise! Thanks very much. It made my night.


Maybe "Archaeporn" is a good name, but because of it I cant reach it through my company proxy...

Try as a proxy

A belated thanks. Now I have to live up to your recommendation.

Stay tuned for my dissection of the DeSoto and Hitlan (2007) paper, which I hope to post in the next couple of days. I've completely analyzed the original data. The results are interesting.

Well I *am* a complete rant, but I still think I can compete with the big guns in terms of blog names.