Blogroll Amnesty Day

i-9dc84d4d9156dccb30d5f62466b4219a-swblocks.jpgThe powers that be have declared this the third annual Blogroll Amnesty Day. According to those powers, we are supposed to be celebrate by linking to five lesser-known bloggers, and reiterating our liberal blogroll policy.

First the blogs you should be reading...hard choices here, but I'm going to go with these:

  1. The Alternative Scientist - a group blog on alternative science careers
  2. Life as I know it... - a new blog by thoughtful commenter Jenn PhD
  3. I love science, really - by the wonderful Mrs. Whatsit
  4. Mrs. Comet Hunter - if great bands can self-title albums, why not bloggers?
  5. Chick with PhizzleDizzle - computer scientist and a bag of chips.

OK, that was the easy part. Now on to our blogroll policy. If you are a women in STEM, an ally to women in STEM, or dispense advice for scientists, engineers, or academics, we'd love to have you on our blogroll.

BUT, our blogrolling service has been down since October. And I don't have the energy to re-do the blogrolls from scratch, so I'm going to buy into's promises to be up and running sometime... So for now, if you'd like to be added to the blogroll, please add a link in the comments section of this post. Then, as soon as blogrolling returns to life, I'll start to get the blogrolls updated. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

And happy Blogroll Amnesty Day.

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Thanks for the new reading material! My blog is in its infancy, but I would be honored to be rolled when the blogroll returns.

We're just getting started over at New Voices, but we'd love to have you check us out and consider us for your blogroll (when it's working again). Our goal is to help create articulate spokespeople for science and you and Alice are certainly great role models!

I've added sciencewomen to the blogroll at

On wetmachine we've been writing about science, technology, policy (especially FCC, media, internet & intellectual property policy) for about 7 years.

In the "what a remarkable coinky-dink" department, my wife and I met at Purdue, where we were both grad students -- she in molecular biology (some of the first published work on shifted reading frames in DNA -- 1978) & I in agricultural economics.

My novels, which are available for free download from (& for sale in printed form!) also deal with science & technology & society, etc. "Acts of the Apostles", my first novel, has a few Purdue references.

Gee thanks SW! I saw this on a quick flyby read, but didn't have time to comment. I'm finally getting back into the swing of things in PhDCity and getting caught up on what I missed :)